First Holiday Nail Art! No Water Marble Design

by - 3:23:00 PM

Hey Darlings!

December is finally here!! And that means lots and lots of christmas nail designs! Ohh how I love them! So lets begging this month with this easy, no water needed, marble design perfect for the holidays.

I love how festive and inviting these nails turned out, and they were easy to do too!

The polishes I used were all by Sinful Colors:

   "Snow me White"

   " Ruby Mine"


And of course, base and top coat ;) 

I've been seeing this no water marble technique for so long and wanted to give it a try. And believe me, its easier than it looks. 

All I did was:

 ♥ Star with your favorite base coat.

 ♥ Paint a light coat of white polish, wait for it to dry and apply a thicker coat.

  Before the second coat dries, add drops of polish on top of it (you will se that they spread a little)

  While everything is wet, use a fine brush to drag those drops down. It would create a heart shape pattern.

  Add dots of matching colors around the design

  Top Coat and you're done!

Check out the video tutorial here:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this design, if you did please share it with your friends ;) 

Happy Painting!

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