Plaid Season! Lets Nail Art - it!

by - 2:31:00 PM

Fall is here! And with it the weather is starting to get colder and colder! This is when seasonal fashion comes in! As the temperature keeps dropping, we want to look for ways to keep warm, but in a fashionable way! So this is where plaid pattern comes in. Been seeing it everywhere, shirts, pants, shoes, scarfs... you name it! And hey, nails can not be the exception!! Thats why here is my take on plaid, in the nail art department.

Doesn't they look cozy?!

I started with a black base color, and then draw a cross pattern with red acrylic paint.

With the accent nail, wanted a cute shirt (or bottom) with black buttons on it.

And some yellow lines to bring out the design! I think it looks all warm and appropriate for the season. What do you think!

Here is how to do it yourselves:

Keep style!

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